Friday, March 30, 2007

My Personal Entertainer

It is not uncommon to see people with colorful wires sticking out of their heads, hooked up to some kind of music maker or picture player. Whether they are running, cycling, walking, getting somewhere or just tuning out the world, these compact personal entertainers are precious! At least for whomever it’s hooked up to it.

Size matters! Many friends with personal entertainers have told me that a few gigs are more than enough, and they wouldn’t know what to do with the larger ones, like the 60gb one I’ve got. Trust me, for some of my other friends; we’re out of space! Help! Need to save up for a bigger entertainer!!! Ok ok… to each his/her own…

From the almost thousands of audio tracks to heart wrenching seat gripping videos, with the odd side-ripping podcast tossed in, the world is a happier place on the way to work, on the way to dinner, a brisk walk along the coast, even on the treadmill…

Huge thank you to my ex-boyfriend to let me keep his gift from a couple of years ago. Did get him 31gbs back though. :-p

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