Monday, August 27, 2007

"You must print this."

I was told this by someone who means a lot to me. :-) This is the shot he was talking about.

Thank you for the compliment!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Funny Elevator Sign

This sign was part of a friend's former apartment block in Hong Kong. Enjoy!

Thank you for sharing. :-)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Gwen Stefani in Concert

7 of us were all geared up yesterday for an amazing night of Gwen Stefani's brand of bubblegum pop at her very first concert in this country, but it ended up rather disappointing.

The stage was plain, double tiered with the usual projection screen behind it, and a "live" screen on each side of the performance area. There were quite a few costume changes, all which she carried off very well but I felt that the breaks between songs for costume changes broke the rhythmn of the concert. Maybe I was expecting more "fun"? Maybe I had expected too much?

There were marked high points in the performance, namely when she ran straight into the middle of the audience, then running farther into the midst of the seats and stopped twice to sing her song. Those were truly great moments. A friend almost touched her as she raced up the stands.

Despite the countdown of our favorite Gwen hits, the whole evening left me unsatisfied, and not in a good way. I really felt that we had paid too much for our tickets.

Thank you anyway Gwen Stefani. :-)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Pea Place Dinner

It was another gathering of happy friends around yummy food and good booze.

This time contributions included roasted lamb, shabu-shabu, salad and chicken wings. All lovingly prepared and cooked to perfection!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

"Only in America can you pick your nose and be a landmark."

Thank you Google Maps for more fun!

Heard that Google had gone in vans down America's streets snapping away, then pieced together millions of stills to give you the "Street View" on Google Maps. :-)

Search 181 West San Carlos Street, San Jose, California.
There's a guy there taking care of some personal hygiene.
Quoting an American radio celebrity, "Only in America can you pick your nose and be a landmark."
Kumxia for the giggles! :-)