Sunday, June 3, 2007

MayDay Concert

The 3-hour MayDay concert last night was great! Surrounded by people who's average age was like not more than two-thirds mine, the sold out concert was ripping from start to finish. Though I recognised only eighty percent of the songs and could sing along to maybe a quarter of that, the energy was infectious!

Been to a few concerts, English and Chinese performers alike, I feel like this could be one of the best I've been to yet. Even when the lights dimmed and there was a "charge" to the front of each section, everyone still had their own personal space. You were free to jump, sway or move to the music without fear of bumping, stepping or hitting anyone! Not like the last few concerts we went to, there were fights and arguments and unhappy people about - these kids were the happy shiny type!

Also, one does not often go for a concert at the end of which the band takes a bow, just like you would see in theater at the end of a performance. The 5-man band took a total of 4 bows to the audience. Stage center, stage left, stage right and back to the center with the rest of the musical crew. These dudes had pride in their work and the audience appreciated it - light sticks and all.

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