Thursday, March 29, 2012

What is it like to work with an angry person?

It's hard to believe. I wouldn't... until I met one such person. This person is loud, brash, cruel, crude and angry all the time.

This behavior is tolerated because this person is very talented in this person's field. Plus, this person is highly technical, capable of learning different doftware across different platforms fairly quickly.

But all those who works with this person who are of the same level or below, bear the brunt of this person's personality. It's like walking on egg shells all day and everyday at work. Constantly tip toeing lest a land mine goes off in your face. It's very stressful and highly draining.

Some of this person's behavior is completely not needed and uncalled for. What makes a person so angry all the time? I don't know how long more I can last in the line of fire and be collateral damage...

I need to find a new job.

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