Saturday, November 1, 2008

Who the hell works Saturdays?!?!

Someone asked me this at dinner today, and I took offense... not everyone has a 9-5 Monday to Friday job...

Please leave me a comment if you work Saturdays, whether it's temporary or permanent, stating what you do.

I want to show this person just who the hell works Saturdays...

Thank you! :-)


Allan Lim said...

i work sat, sunday and public holidays too...!


weishan said...

would just like to say benson works full day on every saturday, ie. 9am to 630pm (6day work week). and he is usually the busiest on saturdays - need to serve all the customers, answers all the questions, replenish the stocks and more often than not needing to go out to the houses to do all the works himself. and usually by the end of every saturday, he is so tired that he can't even drive straight (literally).