Monday, February 12, 2007

You never know what you got ‘til it’s gone.

Strange how often you’d read this, heard this sung in a song or have someone tell you this. But it does not ever hit the spot until something reaches into that deep dark squishy center, and presses down hard.

It is so easy to take things for granted, to stop noticing the little things that make life important, that make the people in your life meaningful and significant. But often not much thought is given to those around you, the ones you live with the ones you spend your life with.

Slowly you sell yourself into a false sense of security and you may want to or have already done something stupid, stupid enough to jeopardize the life you know and love, throwing the ones who love you into traumatic uncertainty.

In short, let’s open our hearts to our family and friends; be grateful for what you have with them and what they have in you.

Thank you…

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